Curriculum & Registration

Prerequisites and Requirements

Prerequisites to Apply

1.        You must be a Certified Yoga Teacher with a minimum of 200 hours of practice and a minimum of 200 hours of Teaching Experience.

2.       You must have at least 24 hours of study with Fr Joe Pereira or a certified KFIYTM teacher. (May be concurrent.)

3.       Basic familiarity with the 12 steps of AA; as one who is afflicted or affected or as a health care professional using AA as a prescription for recovery.

4.       A letter of recommendation from your yoga teacher or someone of authority in an Addiction Program.

5.       A brief essay (1000 words or less) stating why you would like to participate in the KFIYTM Teacher Training Program, covering these two areas:

1.        Why do you wish to attend this training?

2.       What are your plans for using this knowledge in your community?

Extra-Curricular Requirements

1.        Additional 24 study hours with Fr. Joe, including one 30-minute one-on-one online mentorship meeting during the training.

2.       Attendance at five self-help meetings: AA, NA, AL-ANON, Families Anonymous, or FST (Family Systems Therapy in Kripa).

Conditions of Graduation

1.        Teaching assessment submitted by video, virtual or done in person with Fr. Joe or TOT

2.       Case Study Report

3.       Completion of all assignments

4.       75% attendance rate (Missed hours may be made up via peer study and viewing recordings and hours recorded). You are responsible for understanding all missed content. Progress is tracked by the Director of KFIYTM or TOT.

Graduate Benefits

·        Kripa Foundation Iyengar YogaTM Therapist certificate signed by Fr Joe Pereira.

·        The privilege to teach KFIYTM in therapeutic environments. This Certificate is specific to teaching individuals, special classes, institutionally or in clinical settings.

·        Optional teacher listing on KFIYTM website.

·        Be a part of the KFIYTM community!